22. May

The wheel of retail award - Isey Skyr blueberry/pie

The Wheel of Retail has been the most important prize for product introductions in the Dutch supermarket sector for 45 years. The Wheels of Retail are awarded annually by Distrifood. To determine the winners, the Distrifood editors work closely with the three major purchasing organizations (Albert Heijn, Jumbo Supermarkets and Superunie) and market research bureau Nielsen and GfK. The assessment of the products is based on the following topics:


  • - innovation
  • - the margin that the product adds
  • - market expansion.


Next to receiving the award for best introduction in the category dairy, the Ísey Skyr Blueberry Pie also received an additional award, namely ‘’The Special Wheel’’. From all the winners in every category, the Blueberry Pie received the award from the jury for the best margin that the product adds in the supermarket.


5. June

Ísey Skyr official nutrition partner of the Icelandic team

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24. April

For the first time in Iceland!

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