24. April

For the first time in Iceland!

We are proud to announce that Isey Skyr is the Official nutrition Partner of the Reykjavík CrossFit Championship that will take place from 3rd to 5th of May. The winners of the competition will secure a place at the Crossfit Games this summer were competitors all over the world compete for the title Fittest on Earth!

Icelanders have been very successful at the Games for the last few years so it is time to invite the CrossFit community to experience Iceland ; )

It is often asked during these games when Icelanders are so successful, what it is in the water in Iceland?? We have another secret, Ísey Skyr!

11. October

How to keep your energy levels up (without relying on coffee)

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8. March

The president of Iceland and the first lady welcome you to join Team Iceland!

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